

Sain sähköpostiin tiedon mielenkiintoisesta tapahtumasta. On jännittävää, miten monella eri tasolla muihin luontokappaleisiin voi suhtautua. Tulee mieleen karkea akseli, jolla ollaan hitaasti kulkemassa eliöiden näkemisestä ensisijaisesti hyödynnettävänä luonnonvarana kohti tilaa, jossa eliöillä on itseisarvo, olemassaolon oikeus. Mutta kuuluisiko niille enemmänkin oikeuksia, mitä ja miten paljon, eroavatko oikeudet eri eliöiden välillä, ja jos kyllä, miten erot ja oikeudet määritellään ja kuka niistä päättää?


A meeting organized by the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society – WDCS

Date: Friday 21 May 2010
Time: 9.30-12.30 a.m. and 14.30-18 p.m.
Venue: Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki
Address: Fabianinkatu 24 (first floor seminar room)

In spite of some forms of conservation measures, cetaceans are currently treated as resources to be harvested. And yet, many elements point in a different direction. International law manifests a growing sense of duty to whales and dolphins; contemporary ethical reflection brings new theoretical tools to bear on cetacean moral status; and scientific research gives us novel insights into the complexities of cetacean minds and societies. In the light of this, scholars from the relevant disciplines draw together to spell out all the implications of such developments, and to build a collective case for the attribution of basic moral and legal rights to cetaceans, great and small.

SPEAKERS (in order of appearance)

Thomas Wilhelmsson (Rector of the University of Helsinki, Finland), Welcome address

Chris Butler-Stroud (WDCS), Opening address and presentation on the state of the world for cetaceans

Matti Häyry (University of Helsinki, Finland, and University of Manchester, UK), “Whale Rights and Applied Ethics: The ideas of dignity, solidarity, and precaution”

Sudhir K. Chopra (Cambridge University, UK), “Revisiting Whales’ Right to Life”

Thomas I. White (Loyola Marymount University, US), “Beyond Personhood: Cetaceans and the Challenge of Identifying Species-Appropriate Standards”

Hal Whitehead (Dalhousie University, Canada), “Cetacean cultures and cetacean rights”

Lori Marino (Emory University, US), “Dolphin Rights: A Test of our Ethical Honesty”

Niki Entrup and Margi Prideaux (WDCS), “Confronting the Sustainability Paradigm and Deciding Who is ‘Beyond Use’”

Paola Cavalieri (Etica & Animali, Italy), “Cetaceans: From Bare Life to Nonhuman Others”

Dialogue between audience and presenters

Each talk will be followed by a brief discussion

Matti Häyry
Professor, Fellow
Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
Fabianinkatu 24 (P.O. Box 4)
00014 University of Helsinki



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